DVDs, MP3s and Webinars by Gloria Starr, Global Authority – Executive Presence, Image, Etiquette, Manners, Communication Skills (all being Updated)
Professional Style Analysis DVD Preview
Purchase the Professional Style Analysis full length DVD $125. Order (instant download)
*Ms. Gloria Starr will prepare an invoice and you can make your payment to her Direct US Bank Account or PayPal Gloria@GloriaStarr.com*
Professional Color Analysis DVD Preview
Purchase the Professional Color Analysis Techniques full length DVD $125. (instant download)
*Ms. Gloria Starr will prepare an invoice and you can make your payment to her Direct US Bank Account or PayPal Gloria@GloriaStarr.com*
Two set DVD Etiquette and Fine Dining and Tea Etiquette and Glasses/Stemware DVD’s

Etiquette and Fine Dining (50 minutes)
The tools of the table
The placement of your napkin
American and Continental dining
Proper use of the cutlery
The easy way to eat soup
Handling difficult foods to eat
Appropriate conversation at the table
Table settings and much more!

Tea Etiquette and Glasses/Stemware (30 minutes)
Hosting an afternoon tea
The serving of tea
Tea parties
Entertaining your guests
The proper selection of glasses/stemware
Investment: two Etiquette DVDs $125. (new digitalized versions available soon)
Educational Seminars / Webinars $125. each
The webinars / seminars are full color power point presentations created and narrated by Gloria Starr. They range in duration from 25 minutes to 45 minutes. Within a few minutes of your purchase you will receive an email with the link to the webinar. You can use these webinars for personal and professional development. If you are a consultant / coach, these webinars can be used in your business as teaching tools.
The Winner’s Circle Topics include image, etiquette, manners and ambassador skills.
*Ms. Gloria Starr will prepare an invoice and you can make your payment to her Direct US Bank Account or PayPal Gloria@GloriaStarr.com*
Color and Style Analysis Features the four seasons and three intensities within each season, cosmetic colors for the seasonal concept, personality styles and accessories.
*Ms. Gloria Starr will prepare an invoice and you can make your payment to her Direct US Bank Account or PayPal Gloria@GloriaStarr.com*
Communicate for Results Topics include establishing rapport through communication profiling, Neuro-linguistic Programming, body language. Etiquette and manners in the business environment. $125.
*Ms. Gloria Starr will prepare an invoice and you can make your payment to her Direct US Bank Account or PayPal Gloria@GloriaStarr.com*
Educational MP3s Series by Gloria Starr
Ambassador Skills and Winning Attributes
Building Your Personal Brand
Business Casual – Potential Career Sabotage
Class….The Elusive Quality in Today’s Society
Color Analysis Techniques and Methodology
Common Courtesies, Ambassador Skills and Business Etiquette
Communication Essentials
Diploma to Employment Success Strategies
Etiquette Teaching Techniques
Face Reading – A Powerful Communication Tool
Fifty Tips on Business Etiquette, Dining and the Social Graces for Success
Fifty Tips on Communication and Rapport Building Skills
Fifty Tips for Men on Clothing, Posturing for Greater Success and the Competitive Edge
Fifty Tips for Women, Image, New Dress for Success Guidelines
Figure and Style Analysis Techniques
Five Days to a More Appealing You
How to Connect in Business in Two Minutes or Less
If I Were Buying What You Are Selling, Would I Think of You First?
Irresistible Attraction and the Secrets of Personal Magnetism
Make a Difference and a Fortune Sharing Your Advice
Make Yourself Indispensable
Security and Advancement Through Job Proofing Yourself
Sixty Tips on Professional Presence, Etiquette and Communication Skills
Start Your Own Etiquette Business with These Essential Tips
Successful Web Site Dynamics
The Entrepreneur in You
The New Dress for Success Guidelines
Upon Completion of Your Image/Etiquette Training…What’s Next?
You are a Diamond in the Making
Your Competitive Edge in this Challenging Business Environment
Your Personal and Professional WOW Factor
Individual MP3s may be purchased for $40. US dollars
Six MP3s $175.
Ten MP3s by Gloria Starr $300.
Fifteen MP3s $450.
Twenty MP3s $600.
Twenty five MP3s $750.
Thirty MP3s $900.
Audio MP3s (listen only) by Gloria Starr
Please specify the names of the MP3s you wish to receive.
*Ms. Gloria Starr will prepare an invoice and you can make your payment to her Direct US Bank Account or PayPal Gloria@GloriaStarr.com*
Gloria Starr International Company Policy: No refunds for any reason other than breakage due to intellectual property. Breakage must be reported by email the same day of receiving the package. Email gloria@gloriastarr.com
Gloria Starr serving clients globally in Africa, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Dubai, Egypt, Europe, France, India, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South America, Thailand, UK, United States since 1983.
Clients in Abuja, Alexandria, Atlanta, Beijing, Boca Raton, Birmingham, Cairo, Cape Town, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Doha, Edmonton, Ft. Lauderdale, Ft. Worth, Greensville, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Honolulu, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Johannesburg, Lagos, Los Angeles, Los Vegas, Miami, Melbourne, Mumbai, Newport Beach, New York, Oakland, Orlando, Osaka, Palm Beach, Phoenix, Portland, Rio, Riyadh, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, Scottsdale, Shanghai, Sri Lanka, Sydney, Toronto, UAE, Vancouver, Virginia Beach, Wilmington