Maximize Performance Through Persuasive Communication Skills

Gloria Starr, seminar leader and executive coach on image, etiquette and communication skills since 1983. Communicate for results by mastering Ambassadorship Skills and Personal Presentation Skills with Gloria Starr.

The DISC assessment tool is designed to help you understand yourself and others in a specific environment. You are the central focus as you heighten understanding of your behavioral style and identify conditions most conducive to your success. At the same time, you learn about the differences of others and the conditions they require for maximum productivity and teamwork in the organization. The DISC assessment tool enables you to: identify your behavioral style, capitalize on your strengths, increase your appreciation of the differences in communication and work styles, anticipate and minimize potential conflicts with others. Available in a half-day or full-day program.

Building  Successful Innovative Teams

Discover how you fit into the innovation process. Capitalize on your thinking style and natural response to change for increased personal satisfaction and career success. Learn team dynamics and guide your team to faster, better creative breakthroughs with less stress. The Team Dimensions Profile identifies the Creators, Advancers, Refiners and Executors on your team. Learn your unique contribution to the organization, how to enhance your motivation and self-esteem, how to do the right thing at the right time for breakthrough team performance.  Available in a half-day or full-day program.

Developing Effective Leaders

Explore what leadership qualities you value most in yourself and others as you discover the broad opportunities to lead in today’s leaner, flatter, team-oriented workplace. Discover what you value in yourself as a leader. Learn the type of leader you want to follow. Determine the Dimensions of Leadership ® needed by your organization to meet its challenges.  Available in a half-day or full-day program.

Understanding Personal and Relationship Stress 

Improve performance and increase life satisfaction with this approach to managing stress through relationship coping, communication and flexibility. The Coping and Stress ® workshop will help you increase your awareness of effective stress management techniques, create a plan for achieving your goals and incorporate positive changes in your life. Available in a half-day or full-day program.

Understanding Personal Listening Approaches 

Discover your preferred listening styles. Understand the focus, motivation and behavioral indicators of the five listening approaches. Appreciate the value of different listening styles and develop Effective Listening Strategies ® to improve overall communication. Available in a half-day or full-day program.

As an independent distributor, Gloria Starr incorporates these learning instruments in her training sessions. All content on this web site is service marked.

Gloria Starr serving clients globally in Africa, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Dubai, Egypt, Europe, France, India, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South America, Thailand, UK, United States since 1983.

Clients in Abuja, Alexandria, Atlanta, Beijing, Boca Raton, Birmingham, Cairo, Cape Town, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Doha, Edmonton, Ft. Lauderdale, Ft. Worth, Greensville, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Honolulu, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Johannesburg, Lagos, Los Angeles, Los Vegas, Miami, Melbourne, Mumbai, Newport Beach, New York, Oakland, Orlando, Osaka, Palm Beach, Phoenix, Portland,  Rio, Riyadh, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, Scottsdale, Shanghai, Sri Lanka, Sydney, Toronto, UAE, Vancouver, Virginia Beach, Wilmington