The Essential Etiquette of Good Business
by Gloria Starr
In today’s competitive business climate and global economy, manners, dining skills, protocol and etiquette are playing a paramount role in day to day business encounters. Strategic alliances and corporate restructuring require that the savvy executive master the nuances of protocol in business and social situations. Manners Really Do Matter. Knowledge of business etiquette and manners enhance personal effectiveness and adds to the bottom line.
The manners and etiquette consultant of choice for Destiny’s Child, Levi Strauss, Disney, Google, Hewlett Packard, the United States Pentagon, Cunard Cruise Lines and Royalty in the Middle East.

The Etiquette of Good Business
Solid business relationships are nurtured with superior customer service and mastering the art of etiquette and the social graces. Add polish and presence to the substance and outclass your competition.
The Art of Introductions
Body Language in the Business World
Business Etiquette and the Social Graces
Presence, Poise and Positioning
Small Talk for Smart, Savvy People
Executive Communications
Corporate Gift Giving
Saying “thank you” with Style
Network Your Way to Business Success
Electronic Protocol and Courtesies
Cross Cultural Fundamentals
Going Global – Sensibilities and Customs
Dining with Grace and Style
Business relationships are developed and strengthened in social situations. Mastering the art of fine dining adds to the competitive edge in today’s social and business climate. The host and the guest each have a responsibility to ensure the overall success of the event.
The Tools of the Table are the Tools of Business
Seating Arrangements
Dine Like a Diplomat with a Continental Flair
The Art of Entertaining and Being Entertained
Small Talk – Table Talk
Duties and Responsibilities of the Host and the Guest
Posture and Poise at the Table
The ABC’s of Eating and Drinking
Wine Selection
Tipping Guidelines
Entertaining at Private Clubs
Modern Manners From Cyberspace
to Cell Phone and PDA’s
Fine Tuning Your Telephone Skills
Placing and Answering Calls
Wireless Courtesies
Voice Mail/Call Waiting/Caller ID
Conference Calls
The Polish That Builds Profits
Letters and Resumes
Job Interview Skills
Manners in the Office Environment
People Dynamics-Understanding the Personalities
Compliments and Criticism
Working in a Diverse Environment
Respecting Racial and Ethnic Differences
Meeting Etiquette and Boardroom Protocol,
Conferences, Trade shows and Events
International Business Etiquette Program A Foreign Affair Gain an understanding of how cultural misunderstandings can affect your business. International Business Etiquette Programs also available for the Middle East, Latin America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific Rim
Who should attend?
Professionals at all levels of the corporate ladder, sales professionals wishing to enhance their skill set, young executives with aspirations for advancement, people seeking international positions and men and women wishing to improve their personal and professional image.
Since 1983, Gloria Starr has been the etiquette, manners coach of choice to enhance their dining etiquette and manners. Gloria Starr promises to make your team feel comfortable and confident at the dining table and at all company events.
Bring this seminar event to your company or corporate retreat or book a personal coaching session with Gloria Starr.
She is strategically located to serve clients worldwide. Our comprehensive consulting, coaching and seminar services are offered worldwide. We welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can add value to you and your business. Call to speak with Ms. Starr today: 949-209-8802 for a rapid response click here to email Ms. Starr.