Gloria Starr International

Thank you for investing in Gloria Starr’s training / coaching / mentoring/ educational materials and professional development.

Training program details will follow shortly.
Educational products will be emailed or shipped within one business day.
If you ordered a digital / downloadable product, you will receive it within one hour of placing your order.
If you are booking a Skype, FaceTime, Zoom or Phone coaching session, please email me at or Skype gloria_starr to reserve your time and date.

Gloria Starr – Developer and CEO 
​​Global Authority – Executive Presence, Image, Etiquette, Communications
Ranked in the Top 2% of Consultants – United States of America
Author of 12 books, DVDs and MP3s
Master NLP Practitioner, Certified DiSC and Personality Behavior
Certified Knowledge Broker
Private Counsel to Royalty in the Middle and Far East
Advisor to Foreign Dignitaries and Diplomats
Recipient of the Communication Guru Award of Excellence
Rated Excellent by the Society for the Advancement of Consulting
Building Bridges Between People Customs, Cultures and Countries
Empowering People since 1983

Gloria Starr International Company Policy: No refunds on seminar bookings, coaching assignments, Certification Training programs or The Modern Day Finishing School or the Executive Finishing School. If you have reserved a date with Ms. Starr or registered/made payment for a training program and are unable to attend the event you invested in, you may call and make arrangements to attend a future event within one year of your original date selection. If a product is damaged or broken, it will be replaced. International orders may take up to three weeks to arrive due to the mail.